Happy Birthday, Elis Regina

Elis Regina

While many other people will be pretending that they’re Irish today for some reason that’s never been clear to me and chugging green beer, a phenomena that also eludes my comprehension, I will be working and then scurrying home hoping to avoid the puking amateurs and hoping that the parade from yesterday will have acted as enough of a pressure valve for said amateurs.

But I will also be thinking of Elis.

Elis Regina, born March 17, 1945, died January 19, 1982 at the age of 36 of the cursed curse of many too-young popular musical artists: The drug overdose. You may not know Elis Regina. But you probably know Elvis and of how adored he was in the United States. Well. It was estimated that 80,000 came to see Elvis upon his death.

Similarly, it was estimated that 100,000 came to see Elis.

I discovered her while researching a song I love, “Waters of March,” as sung by Jane Monheit. I found this.

Yes. This corny lip-sync performance during which a cigarette magically appears in the woman’s right hand, with those awful-looking headphones and which can’t help but remind me of an Electric Company sketch—wait, maybe that’s why it appealed to me—this is what introduced me to Elis Regina. I had to know who that woman was.

Which led me to the Música Popular Brasileira special of 1973.

You want to experience a bit of effortless perfection today? Here.

Ladeira da Preguiça

Upa Neguinho

Vou Deitar e Rolar (Qua Qua Ra Qua Qua)

Or, if you’d like to see the completo programa (1:34):

I purchased her “Come e Porque” for download on eMusic. I like to place it with one of those soaring recording collections that stays put, like Stevie Wonder’s “Innervisions” or Marvin Gaye’s “What’s Going On.” It’s that good.

Canto De Ossanha

(a song for which I’ve found an interesting translation and story…here…)

Anyway. So. Today marks the St. Patty’s day. Have a beer. But have one for Elis, too. K?

St. Patrick’s Day Parade 2013

So they had this parade today in Rochester. You know. No big whup.

St. Patrick's Day Parade, Rochester, N.Y., 2013

This was the first test of a theory for me that, when there’s a nice event downtown on, it would be a good idea to live downtown. I have to say, it was nice to be able to get out of the 27-degree air to warm my phalanges.

The Hitmen Brass Band welcome's Camarella's restaurant to the neighborhood.

Camarella’s was welcomed to the neighborhood by the Hitmen Brass Band.

Bad Ride

Now that’s a bad ride.

And Some Beer

I was bummed because Sunday is my Monday workday, and it’s also St. Patrick’s Day. I thought A) I’d be missing the Parade downtown and/or B) I would have an impossible time getting out of the neighborhood to get TO said place of employment.

Turns out that the thing is held on Saturday.

Tomorrow I go shopping for a funny green hat.

In other news:

You can’t spell ipecac without CPAC.


Hey. Smash fans. There’s an episode of “Louie” where he takes a female heckler apart. Guess who?

And then there’s Maude: