I Wonder If This Was A Setup

White House Press Briefing by Kayleigh McEnany, Friday, May 22

*Link goes directly to YouTube to a moment when McEnany, beset upon by reporters regarding Impeached Preznit Carnage Sippycup’s weird seeming proclamation that he’s opening churches unilaterally, calls on OAN correspondent Chanel Rion, who of course asks a weird-as-armpits question about the Impeached Preznit “pardoning” President Barack Obama.

Which leads McEnany to a audio-visual gaslighting so over-the-top it brings to mind the scene in Django Unchained with Leonardo DiCaprio and Kerry Washington and the blood and the ball-peen hammer. She uses a slideshow to poke the reporters to ask reporters about a batch of crap that has been already proven resolutely untrue, that even ignores the latest report that Mikey Flynn’s name was not even initially redacted in intelligence.

Then she just flies out of the room like a bat.

If I were in the White House Press Corps right now I would be so fuming angry at Kayleigh McEnany.

1 thought on “I Wonder If This Was A Setup

  1. Did any of those White House reporters write a story about how the entire session was spent talking about bullshit the presnut has said that isn’t true, and discuss what questions could have been asked which were not, and why not?

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