Atlas Merged

It is weird to say this as someone who believes that Ayn Rand novels should be kept behind the counter in brown wrappers and should not be distributed to anyone under the age of 35. But the insistence on the part of the Congressional Black Caucus that XM and Sirius offer up a substantial amount of their bandwidth to minority programming the CBC says it won’t support the merger unless there is much more of this bandwidth offered than in the current concessions so smacks of what they did to poor ol’ Hank Rearden that it just makes me want to pee.

The holdups regarding this merger have been inexcusable. The companies need the merger just to survive in an exponetially increasing competetive market. If satellite is not allowed to grow its tech and infrastructure, it will be easily outpaced by Internet radio and HD. But this demand and this rejection of the concession already offered, it is an abomination. It’s crap like this that gives liberals a bad name. Shameful. Shameful. Shameful.

Home Is Where The Tivo Is

Before I recount my incredible adventure to sunny Edinboro, Pa., a personal and/or blog note. I am not certain exactly what I’m doing with this blog and Adventures. The latter’s been abandoned lately for this, and I may consolidate completely. This new environment gives me more to work with, and besides, the editorial purpose of “Adventures” has just gone flat. I have imported a buncha entries from that to this for the sake of archives. I’m still not sure about closing the other. Bloggers may understand this sort of aphasia, I think.

Anyway. I would like to briefly note that a person has recently discorporated permanently who may have occassionally read this blog and/or its previous version. It happened late April, but I’ve only recently found out. She was often my intended audience, though not so much lately, but I am sad nonetheless to learn that I can no longer even pretend that she might be reading.

I had a nice visit to The Lake, though I killed a deer en route, right before Breezewood. Damned thing just jumped into my car and ended up twitching on the highway behind me. When that happens, you can’t stop, either, because you’re right in the thick of traffic. So you end a critter’s life and you just have to keep driving. I stopped at a garage to ask them if I needed to report it and to get a precursory look at the jammed-in wheel well. Esther was driving okay, so I was all right for the trip up.

No Kneetop.

A word of advice. If you don’t want an Internet customer to get cold feet and cancel the order, fulfill the damned order. I got impatient this morning and canceled the order of my eee. Besides. I’m seeing many other things coming out of Asus that would kick this thing’s ass and may be cheaper. By the time I get the damned thing, it will be past obsolete. Besides(2), I have found my new Winders Mobile phone (radio, I call it my radio because I use it more as a radio than I do as a phone) to be quite good at accessing the Interweb and such, and with the card readers, I can work in any Word document on a regular computer machine and then access it on the radio. I may just pick up a keyboard for the sucker. So, cancel cancel cancel. I’m a little relieved.

In other news, my Uncle John is in town. I dragged him to El Union last night to make him watch me eat a burrito. On that trip, I discovered yet another awesome imaginary band name to add to the list. If you have a band and you are looking for a name, you may indeed use the name

Spanish Spelling Bee

. Thank you.

One more observation. I saw a logo today. This logo:

Can someone get Gail Zappa on the line, please? She needs to be in touch with her lawyers.


Hectic Week

This is Kahlua. She and her Papa are the latest housemates. She’s nervous about her new surroundings, but she’s getting acclimated.

Thus, it has been a hectic week. I have people moving into my house and people moving out and a lovely visit from my Uncle Jay. That’s springtime for you.

If anyone is wondering, the upgrade from Palm to Winders OS has been an upgrade indeed. I have long been a Palm adherent, but the Winders platform is so much better integrated and the sucker can do so much more out of the box. I am expecting a card reader in the mail with the hopes that will permit me to swap data without syncs all the damned time. And of course the new kneetop computer, if it ever arrives, has an SD slot.

Radio B.O.N.K.: eMusic Affiliate

Radio B.O.N.K. is officially an eMusic affiliate. If you are the one or two people who are reading us, and if you’ve been shopping for a new way to purchase your online tuneage, then may I suggest you click on the “subscribe” link or on the flashy new banner ad on the right and start your free trial. I’ll get six bucks out of the deal. You’ll get 25 free downloads and a new start to a collection of music in a completely non-proprietary format. I’ve been an eMusic fan since 2002 and have always thought they’ve done it right: Insist on MP3, non-restrictively licensed music, and make your case to fans of indie music. EMusic is very cool. You go now. <./commercial advertisement>

Turkey Sandwich

It’s easy to confuse the utterly straightforward seriousness with which Howard 100/Howard 101 reporter Steve Langford approaches his job with schtick. It seems like schtick. But I think it is pure professionalism.

When Langford broke the news of the death of wack packer Kenneth Keith Kallenbach, listeners could not imagine that Langford would continue pushing on a larger, more broad story and even a larger policy issue in this country, that of privately-owned prisons.

In fact, it’s led the Philadelphia Enquirer to publish a probing, critical editorial regarding the George W. Hill Correctional Facility, where Kallenbach was held for a month pending charges of attempted child abduction after he was accused of trying to pull a girl into his car. Kallenbach, who suffered from cistic fibrosis, died of pneumonia, while in custody. According to the editorial, that facility has seen eight inmate deaths since 2005.

The issue of privately owned and operated prisons is a hot one. Just today, The Washington Post published a lengthy expose on the topic as it stands in regards to post-9/11 immigration policy. This country has turned over some 30,000 people to privately-run facilities. Funny how, allowed financial incentive to lock people up, we seem to do so more enthusiastically.

Anyway, Langford has been all over this story. He is an intrepid newsman and always a pleasure to hear, whether he’s reporting on High-Pitch Mike’s television or the apparent negligence of a privately-run correctional facility in Delaware County, Pa.

Top Dog Brass Band

Disappointingly, The Top Dog Brass Band is a bunch of white guys. From Germany. That. Is so. Wrong.

Because they’re excellent. It’s some of the cleanest, most polished and beautiful brass band music I’ve ever heard. I hate to say that they kick the Forgotten Souls’ butts, but they do. And that’s hard to do. Because hitherto, nobody could touch these them in my mind’s ear.

So let’s just call it a draw since the Souls are actually from the bayou….