Even Witches Have to Have Pockets

Just in time for Halloween: Mr. Rogers interviews the Wicked Witch of the West.

Why I don’t own a printer, and B) why even those who do own a printer need a backup plan, including a reliable thumb drive containing no executable files and familiarity with a local office store.

Why I Believe Printers Were Sent From Hell to Make Us Miserable (The Oatmeal)


Me: I think if you kill someone, you should be hauled in and charged. WTF is happening to this country?

Commenter #1: someone breaks in my house should expect a lead welcome

Me: And you should expect to answer to the law afterwards.

Commenter #2: answer to the law for protecting his home?????????

Me: Yes. There was a murder. I’d like for murders in my community to be investigated, please.

This is an exchange I actually had with a couple of commenters on Facebook.

We were talking about the case of Renisha McBride, a Detroit woman who was shot to death when she knocked on the wrong door trying to get help after a traffic accident. Authorities know who fired the shot that killed her, but no arrests have been made.

What the “stand your ground” statutes have accomplished is a retreat from the notion that if a person is a suspect in a murder, the person should actually have to be inconvenienced by, say, talking to a police officer.

This country is losing its gravity-bound mind.

Now, as promised:

By my count it’s 20 days until Zappadan, and I’ll tell you what, I have a few nice things planned for this year. But man, that War on Christmas starts earlier and earlier every year, doesn’t it?

One Of These Things Is Not Like The Other

The Corpsing Masters

I didn’t know it was a thing until I read about it on The Blue: Corpsing.

That would be what happens when you are a cast member and one of your fellow players forces you to break character and laugh. As defined: “Corpsing is a British theatrical slang word for when an actor unintentionally breaks character during a scene by laughing or by causing another cast member to laugh.”

A compilation of these instances on Saturday Night Live has recently been circulated.

However, I say that an earlier generation of sketch actors makes these guys look like pikers when it comes to corpsing. Here’s an example.

Apparently this incident was pretty legendary. Vicki Lawrence tells the story:

One last YouTube hat-tip to the reference in this post’s title. Get ready to tug on your left ear:

In Other News

A few nice “Orange Is The New Black” links from Buzzfeed:

23 Surprising Facts About ‘Orange Is The New Black’

6 Major Differences Between “Orange Is The New Black” The Book And TV Show

I’m So Glad We Had This Time Together

I didn’t know it was a thing until I read about it on The Blue: Corpsing.

That would be what happens when you are a cast member and one of your fellow players forces you to break character and laugh. As defined: “Corpsing is a British theatrical slang word for when an actor unintentionally breaks character during a scene by laughing or by causing another cast member to laugh.”

A compilation of these instances on Saturday Night Live has recently been circulated.

However, I say that an earlier generation of sketch actors makes these guys look like pikers when it comes to corpsing. Here’s an example.

Apparently this incident was pretty legendary. Vicki Lawrence tells the story:

One last YouTube hat-tip to the reference in this post’s title. Get ready to tug on your left ear:

In Other News

A few nice “Orange Is The New Black” links from Buzzfeed:

There’s Been a Burnley

I didn’t mean to start yelling at people this morning. It just happened. I’ve been trying to be downright spoony about the fact that half of my apartment hasn’t had power since Saturday evening.

But there is massive renovation going on in my building. So I got out of bed early (10 a.m. is damned early for me) to inquire about the progress of restoring my power, and I came down to the eerily dark and ripped up lobby to find that the front office was closed, or rather, it had moved, and the location to where it had moved had a big ladder blocking it with a fella on top of the ladder changing light blubs. The girl was on the phone, rifling through papers, her eyes down, and there were two glass doors between me and the titular person in charge.

This would be my third inquiry since Monday morning, so yes, “what the f is this” were the words that found life from my mouth.

“It’s from me,” said the fella on top of the ladder. “What’s going on?”

“I haven’t had power in my apartment for since Saturday, that’s what!”

My voice’s tone convinced me that I probably should have had breakfast before engaging in this encounter. But I was more pissed about perceiving that I was being ignored than I was about the power.

The girl fought her way to the previous office entrance and placated me well. She said she’d the fellas right up. I decided to get out of their hair, so I threw on some clothes and went across the street for some coffee and a muffin. I discovered that I make better coffee and better pastry than this joint, but it was pleasant to have found a table to sit outside, to take in the beautiful day, and to enjoy reading the local paper.

I was about wrapping up breakfast when a little robin landed on my table. He looked at me then hopped over to my muffin. He grabbed a crumb of it and headed off. The young ladies at the next table who were writing on staff paper noticed and laughed. “I’ve been burgled!” I exclaimed.

They still don’t know what’s wrong with my power, and, in fact, they may have to rewire the whole damned thing.

But I did learn one thing this morning: The birds are certainly brave this year.

UPDATE: Yay! They fixed it!

In case you were curious: There’s Been a Burnley. (According to sketch transcripts online, the inspector in this sketch is named “Muffin.”)

And now, for something completely different.

If you’ve ever watched Star Trek: TNG, you’ve seen this just like half your life you looked at the Federal Express logo and never saw the arrow. Well, friends, get ready. Because once you see this, the next time you watch TNG, THIS is ALL you will see.

I present: Riker Sits Down.

I was even inspired to write a haiku:

Riker mounts his chair
Like he is straddling mountains.
Engage, Number One.

Make it so.

Finally, here’s an interesting perspective I came across: Josiah Bartlet Was A Mediocre President. Read the article, but don’t miss the comments.